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Welcome back to another post of blind items that Lainey Gossip has revealed on her blog. This post is all the (known) blinds about Ben Affleck, since he behaves like such an assclown. There are tons of blind items on him going back for years. I tried to do these in chronological order.
Untitled, from 2011(?)
"He strayed with an actress on the set of his recent film, and is now desperate to keep it from his wife, who suspected, but who was won over by a family holiday and his new doting attitude. Only now the other woman is upset, threatening to overturn the peace, so he’s been calling in favours everywhere else to get her cast in another movie she’s not actually right for, just to get her to shut up. The favours he’s using up however could jeopardise his own project, and the people who are counting on his participation are getting increasingly anxious that he might f-ck it up for everyone else. Major stress and sleepless nights."
Ben and Olga Kurylenko.
"So much speculation and it’s been going on for years that she will finally leave him because he simply won’t, ever, change. But do you know the lengths she went through to get him, and keep him? Did you know she enrolled in classes at university, not because she was interested for herself, but because she wanted to be able to talk to him about...things? She wanted to be able to keep up. She wanted HIM to know/believe/think she could keep up. She worships his brain. She wanted to make sure that he was finding her brain adequately stimulating.
They say that he’s been trying to get out of there. He hasn’t tried. There has been no attempt. It’s kinda futile. First because, even if he were to want to bail, everyone in his life would be against it, and has warned him of the consequences, but also because she has told him straight up, on several occasions, “I will never leave you”. This one doesn’t get enough credit for her tenacity."
Jennifer Garner and Ben
Blind and its reveal
"Comeback Kid only dates famous girls. When he and Golden were together, he stepped out on her twice that she knows of: once with a stripper and the other with Pigtails. But even though it’s been years, and she’s well moved on, Golden still has a hard time hearing Pigtails’ music. Her trainer made the mistake of playing it once when they were working out. She demanded that it be turned off immediately and never again while she’s in studio.
While Golden can’t let go of her resentment, Comeback’s wife, the PM, can’t help it either. People assume that it’s his other, more curvier ex, who makes her crazy but homemaker to homemaker, it’s actually Golden who she can’t stand, and has been overheard disparaging, unimpressed with her skills and her ideas, rolling her eyes when her name comes up."
Comeback kid= Ben Affleck
Golden= Gwyneth Paltrow (the trainer is Tracy Anderson)
Pigtails= Britney Spears
The Other Ex= Jennifer Lopez
The PM= Jennifer Garner
"It’s hard to stay up. Every time he’s gone up, he’s always come back down. It was thought that that was only because he was young. And now, with children and a devoted wife, he was supposed to be able to hold it together. So far, sure, but just barely.
There were signs before Christmas but during the holidays, he injured his back on a ski trip. This was not widely disclosed and kept out of the press. Painkillers were prescribed. The big movie was pushed back. Cocktails were consumed in combination at events. No one remembers he actually went to rehab several years ago. Still, so far, he’s functioning. And things are great with his wife. She really tries to take care of him but she’s not always with him. When he’s out on his own, it gets messy. There have been times lately where he’s been so drunk, he’s the dude passed out on the couch when everyone else has gone home. Either that or he’s the dude who’s all over the tall, attractive model type at the Oscar party that his wife decided to skip. Oh yeah, that happened. It keeps happening. They were talking nose to nose. He gave her the full charm. A “later on” was definitely implied, while everyone around him just shrugged. Because it’s not the first time and it’s not the last time and it’s the secret they’re all expected to keep. Not because he doesn’t love the mother of his children, because he does, he really, really does. But between the pills and the alcohol, he’s losing control of that side of himself that’s been held in check for too long."
Ben, duh.
Blind, reveal.
"Remember his big snub?
Turns out it had something to do with his perfect wife. You wouldn't think anyone could hold anything against her -- the ideal mother, the supportive spouse -- but this goes back years, when she was a candidate for a set-up. A very powerful man set her up with a single man who needed a girlfriend. A professional meeting turned into him knowing everything about her -- too much about her -- and a very strange gift: wildlife. She ran the f-ck away and didn't look back, offending the major Hollywood player who tried to broker the romance. He was so disappointed in her that he put out the word -- he won't work with her anymore. And eventually, when it came for her now-husband to rise to acclaim, and against his own project no less, he called in every contact he could to make sure that the husband's name wasn't included, though in the end, even he couldn't control the outcome."
Ben Affleck was snubbed for Best Director. Stephen Spielberg wanted Jennifer Garner to date Tom Cruise. (The "wildlife" was a fucking tiger, btw.)
"For a year now she’s been pitching a panel-style talk show about love and marriage, similar to The View or The Talk, partnering with popular parent and women’s lifestyle websites. Because of her high profile, she wasn’t expected to show up every day but often enough, like a few times a month, so that the audience would know that it was hers – the Barbara Walters of the group, you could say. The other women included a newlywed, a model-actress-mom in her 40s, a single, divorced woman in her 40s, and a woman in her early 60s.
Would you believe, though, that even with her popularity with the MiniVan Majority, no one was interested. The show was rejected, repeatedly, while other similar shows, featuring other personalities, got picked up, like Tyra Banks’s FABLife. The reason? Too “upper class”.
Interestingly enough, this happened before everything blew up. And now that it’s all blown up, and she has everyone’s sympathy, the show still isn’t getting any play…even though she could be an expert at talking about love and marriage right now. But is she willing to go there? It might change if she’s willing to talk about it. Would she talk about it? On camera? Probably not. Not for the sake of the children. But that doesn’t mean it’s not leverage – not only from a business perspective but when dealing with that idiot too."
Jennifer Garner. (Even Raven Symone has a talk show, like damn.)
Blind, and bothreveals.
"You remember when he turned up in a small, out-of-the-way-of-Hollywood town not too long ago, for no apparent reason? He was trying to go undercover. Because it turns out, he was there with a woman…a very attractive woman… who is not his wife. They were seen holding hands at the hotel. But can you ever really hide? No. Not even out of the country. Not even by the sea. He ended up getting busted by fans and the local media got a hold of it. And the thing is, he told his wife that he was somewhere else. He and his companion have been having an affair for some time.
Of course it’s not the first time. He thought it wouldn’t get back to her that time in Oklahoma and that didn’t work out for him either. His wife forgave him then, as she always does, patiently supporting him as he works through his issues and compulsions. But he can’t help himself. When things are going well, he will always find a way to f-ck himself up. And now, finally, she may have had enough. Has she had enough yet? It isn’t instant forgiveness. Then again, he’s not exactly working hard to put it back together either. The temptations are too hard to resist. Last time he set his reputation on fire though, it was easier to forgive. And she helped him rehabilitate his image. Could he come back from betraying the perfect wife, walking out on a perfect home, and breaking up the perfect family?"
Kick his ass, Sydney Bristow.
"There were a lot of women. Oklahoma was a few years ago. But Oklahoma was certainly not the one who was the most recent, although the most recent, professional turned personal, that I know of at least, is also not that recognisable, for now. She’s waiting for her moment.
Still, these affairs were not the biggest problem. The biggest problem is one he developed on the set of his most recent project. It started with pills and an injury a few years ago. Somehow he was able to function through that. Recently though he was shooting on location. He was a mess. He would go missing overnight. Not the prescription pills now but a hard drug. A very dangerous one. Not the party kind but the kind that brings you down, often alone, to escape. One that not too long ago took the life of a major, major talent. So it’s not the lovers that made him unsuitable for home. This is why she didn’t trust him at home. This is why she had to shake him up. But it’s not like he can get help openly. Not now, when so much is riding on him, with so much coming up. And that’s always been how Hollywood works. Your health is not the priority when there’s a multi-million dollar marketing strategy in place and so many stories to tell. So, sure, he has a support system, a lot of people out there looking out for him. But… is that the right objective?"
Batfleck and possibly Gal Gadot or Sienna Miller?
The blind and the reveal
"There’s all kinds of work to be done before starting on a movie. In addition to preparing for the role, many roles require the actor to get into shape physically. Your first assumption here is to think that means working out. Most of the time. Some of the time it’s about your face. And this is not just the women.
Before starting on his upcoming blockbuster, producers were concerned after test shots that he looked too unnatural and puffy. They asked him, rather directly, to have his fillers dissolved. It’s an action movie after all, he can’t be looking dewy and plump like he’s at the spa while he’s doing all those action sequences. In order to speed up the process he first switched over to a detox diet to lean out and then he went back to the doctor to deflate his face. In my opinion he’s really better off for it. So, just in case you didn’t already know, in Hollywood, the actors are doing it and OVER doing it just as much as the actresses."
Blind, Reveal
"You may have heard that he’s been scaling back on some of his work commitments, major projects that meant a lot to him. These are good decisions. Part of a series of better decisions that he’s been making lately. And the best decision is that he’s been in treatment.
Which is why he’s kept a relatively low profile. And the catalyst for that seems to be the person who’s always been a solid influence in his life. She told him she was ready to move forward and shortly after that, he left to get help, out of town where he’s had some success before. He briefly came home so that he could stand up for family recently but then went right back to focus on self-care. Which is why there’s been no comment on a recent rumour that he may be stepping back from his big role. They still want him but his focus right now is not on work and, for the time being, they’re respecting that."
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Welcome back to another post of blind items that Lainey Gossip has revealed on her blog. This post is all the (known) blinds about Ben Affleck, since he behaves like such an assclown. There are tons of blind items on him going back for years. I tried to do these in chronological order.
Untitled, from 2011(?)
"He strayed with an actress on the set of his recent film, and is now desperate to keep it from his wife, who suspected, but who was won over by a family holiday and his new doting attitude. Only now the other woman is upset, threatening to overturn the peace, so he’s been calling in favours everywhere else to get her cast in another movie she’s not actually right for, just to get her to shut up. The favours he’s using up however could jeopardise his own project, and the people who are counting on his participation are getting increasingly anxious that he might f-ck it up for everyone else. Major stress and sleepless nights."
Ben and Olga Kurylenko.
"So much speculation and it’s been going on for years that she will finally leave him because he simply won’t, ever, change. But do you know the lengths she went through to get him, and keep him? Did you know she enrolled in classes at university, not because she was interested for herself, but because she wanted to be able to talk to him about...things? She wanted to be able to keep up. She wanted HIM to know/believe/think she could keep up. She worships his brain. She wanted to make sure that he was finding her brain adequately stimulating.
They say that he’s been trying to get out of there. He hasn’t tried. There has been no attempt. It’s kinda futile. First because, even if he were to want to bail, everyone in his life would be against it, and has warned him of the consequences, but also because she has told him straight up, on several occasions, “I will never leave you”. This one doesn’t get enough credit for her tenacity."
Jennifer Garner and Ben
Blind and its reveal
"Comeback Kid only dates famous girls. When he and Golden were together, he stepped out on her twice that she knows of: once with a stripper and the other with Pigtails. But even though it’s been years, and she’s well moved on, Golden still has a hard time hearing Pigtails’ music. Her trainer made the mistake of playing it once when they were working out. She demanded that it be turned off immediately and never again while she’s in studio.
While Golden can’t let go of her resentment, Comeback’s wife, the PM, can’t help it either. People assume that it’s his other, more curvier ex, who makes her crazy but homemaker to homemaker, it’s actually Golden who she can’t stand, and has been overheard disparaging, unimpressed with her skills and her ideas, rolling her eyes when her name comes up."
Comeback kid= Ben Affleck
Golden= Gwyneth Paltrow (the trainer is Tracy Anderson)
Pigtails= Britney Spears
The Other Ex= Jennifer Lopez
The PM= Jennifer Garner
"It’s hard to stay up. Every time he’s gone up, he’s always come back down. It was thought that that was only because he was young. And now, with children and a devoted wife, he was supposed to be able to hold it together. So far, sure, but just barely.
There were signs before Christmas but during the holidays, he injured his back on a ski trip. This was not widely disclosed and kept out of the press. Painkillers were prescribed. The big movie was pushed back. Cocktails were consumed in combination at events. No one remembers he actually went to rehab several years ago. Still, so far, he’s functioning. And things are great with his wife. She really tries to take care of him but she’s not always with him. When he’s out on his own, it gets messy. There have been times lately where he’s been so drunk, he’s the dude passed out on the couch when everyone else has gone home. Either that or he’s the dude who’s all over the tall, attractive model type at the Oscar party that his wife decided to skip. Oh yeah, that happened. It keeps happening. They were talking nose to nose. He gave her the full charm. A “later on” was definitely implied, while everyone around him just shrugged. Because it’s not the first time and it’s not the last time and it’s the secret they’re all expected to keep. Not because he doesn’t love the mother of his children, because he does, he really, really does. But between the pills and the alcohol, he’s losing control of that side of himself that’s been held in check for too long."
Ben, duh.
Blind, reveal.
"Remember his big snub?
Turns out it had something to do with his perfect wife. You wouldn't think anyone could hold anything against her -- the ideal mother, the supportive spouse -- but this goes back years, when she was a candidate for a set-up. A very powerful man set her up with a single man who needed a girlfriend. A professional meeting turned into him knowing everything about her -- too much about her -- and a very strange gift: wildlife. She ran the f-ck away and didn't look back, offending the major Hollywood player who tried to broker the romance. He was so disappointed in her that he put out the word -- he won't work with her anymore. And eventually, when it came for her now-husband to rise to acclaim, and against his own project no less, he called in every contact he could to make sure that the husband's name wasn't included, though in the end, even he couldn't control the outcome."
Ben Affleck was snubbed for Best Director. Stephen Spielberg wanted Jennifer Garner to date Tom Cruise. (The "wildlife" was a fucking tiger, btw.)
"For a year now she’s been pitching a panel-style talk show about love and marriage, similar to The View or The Talk, partnering with popular parent and women’s lifestyle websites. Because of her high profile, she wasn’t expected to show up every day but often enough, like a few times a month, so that the audience would know that it was hers – the Barbara Walters of the group, you could say. The other women included a newlywed, a model-actress-mom in her 40s, a single, divorced woman in her 40s, and a woman in her early 60s.
Would you believe, though, that even with her popularity with the MiniVan Majority, no one was interested. The show was rejected, repeatedly, while other similar shows, featuring other personalities, got picked up, like Tyra Banks’s FABLife. The reason? Too “upper class”.
Interestingly enough, this happened before everything blew up. And now that it’s all blown up, and she has everyone’s sympathy, the show still isn’t getting any play…even though she could be an expert at talking about love and marriage right now. But is she willing to go there? It might change if she’s willing to talk about it. Would she talk about it? On camera? Probably not. Not for the sake of the children. But that doesn’t mean it’s not leverage – not only from a business perspective but when dealing with that idiot too."
Jennifer Garner. (Even Raven Symone has a talk show, like damn.)
Blind, and bothreveals.
"You remember when he turned up in a small, out-of-the-way-of-Hollywood town not too long ago, for no apparent reason? He was trying to go undercover. Because it turns out, he was there with a woman…a very attractive woman… who is not his wife. They were seen holding hands at the hotel. But can you ever really hide? No. Not even out of the country. Not even by the sea. He ended up getting busted by fans and the local media got a hold of it. And the thing is, he told his wife that he was somewhere else. He and his companion have been having an affair for some time.
Of course it’s not the first time. He thought it wouldn’t get back to her that time in Oklahoma and that didn’t work out for him either. His wife forgave him then, as she always does, patiently supporting him as he works through his issues and compulsions. But he can’t help himself. When things are going well, he will always find a way to f-ck himself up. And now, finally, she may have had enough. Has she had enough yet? It isn’t instant forgiveness. Then again, he’s not exactly working hard to put it back together either. The temptations are too hard to resist. Last time he set his reputation on fire though, it was easier to forgive. And she helped him rehabilitate his image. Could he come back from betraying the perfect wife, walking out on a perfect home, and breaking up the perfect family?"
Kick his ass, Sydney Bristow.
"There were a lot of women. Oklahoma was a few years ago. But Oklahoma was certainly not the one who was the most recent, although the most recent, professional turned personal, that I know of at least, is also not that recognisable, for now. She’s waiting for her moment.
Still, these affairs were not the biggest problem. The biggest problem is one he developed on the set of his most recent project. It started with pills and an injury a few years ago. Somehow he was able to function through that. Recently though he was shooting on location. He was a mess. He would go missing overnight. Not the prescription pills now but a hard drug. A very dangerous one. Not the party kind but the kind that brings you down, often alone, to escape. One that not too long ago took the life of a major, major talent. So it’s not the lovers that made him unsuitable for home. This is why she didn’t trust him at home. This is why she had to shake him up. But it’s not like he can get help openly. Not now, when so much is riding on him, with so much coming up. And that’s always been how Hollywood works. Your health is not the priority when there’s a multi-million dollar marketing strategy in place and so many stories to tell. So, sure, he has a support system, a lot of people out there looking out for him. But… is that the right objective?"
Batfleck and possibly Gal Gadot or Sienna Miller?
The blind and the reveal
"There’s all kinds of work to be done before starting on a movie. In addition to preparing for the role, many roles require the actor to get into shape physically. Your first assumption here is to think that means working out. Most of the time. Some of the time it’s about your face. And this is not just the women.
Before starting on his upcoming blockbuster, producers were concerned after test shots that he looked too unnatural and puffy. They asked him, rather directly, to have his fillers dissolved. It’s an action movie after all, he can’t be looking dewy and plump like he’s at the spa while he’s doing all those action sequences. In order to speed up the process he first switched over to a detox diet to lean out and then he went back to the doctor to deflate his face. In my opinion he’s really better off for it. So, just in case you didn’t already know, in Hollywood, the actors are doing it and OVER doing it just as much as the actresses."
Blind, Reveal
"You may have heard that he’s been scaling back on some of his work commitments, major projects that meant a lot to him. These are good decisions. Part of a series of better decisions that he’s been making lately. And the best decision is that he’s been in treatment.
Which is why he’s kept a relatively low profile. And the catalyst for that seems to be the person who’s always been a solid influence in his life. She told him she was ready to move forward and shortly after that, he left to get help, out of town where he’s had some success before. He briefly came home so that he could stand up for family recently but then went right back to focus on self-care. Which is why there’s been no comment on a recent rumour that he may be stepping back from his big role. They still want him but his focus right now is not on work and, for the time being, they’re respecting that."