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She places #9 in Forbes' list of top earning women in music. She is behind such people as Katy Perry ($135 million), Taylor ($80 million), Lady Gaga ($59 million, wtf has she been up to, to get this much?), Jlo ($28.5 million). She is ahead of a retired popstar that apparently goes by the name 'Rihanna' pronouced Ree-han(d)-nah.
Mariah's fortune this year comes from her Vegas performances and her random performances all over the word (that Israel one and the one in Studio city or whatever)
ONTD, do you think you would still be making millions 25 years into your career?
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She places #9 in Forbes' list of top earning women in music. She is behind such people as Katy Perry ($135 million), Taylor ($80 million), Lady Gaga ($59 million, wtf has she been up to, to get this much?), Jlo ($28.5 million). She is ahead of a retired popstar that apparently goes by the name 'Rihanna' pronouced Ree-han(d)-nah.
Mariah's fortune this year comes from her Vegas performances and her random performances all over the word (that Israel one and the one in Studio city or whatever)
ONTD, do you think you would still be making millions 25 years into your career?