Jennifer Lopez’s new comedy #SecondAct is not at all the movie we’re being sold! There’s a huge twist right at the top of the film, which is actually what it’s about. So why keep it a secret?
— The Daily Beast (@thedailybeast) December 20, 2018
If you've seen a trailer for Jennifer Lopez' latest film "Second Act", you'd be forgiven for thinking it's about a working woman (JLo) getting a shot at the high flying corporate life after her friend's son whips up a fake online life that gets her a foot in the door.
But it turns out the movie's actually not really about that! The title of the film is more about an event that is revealed early on which involves someone who is barely seen in the trailer.
It turns out that Vanessa Hudgens (her coworker at the new corporate job) is the daughter that JLo's character gave up for adoption rather than becoming a teen parent. The film is actually about a mother and daughter reconnecting, and JLo keeping up the pretense of her fake life so that she doesn't come off as a disappointment to the child she has back in her life.
What trailers have seriously misled you about the actual content of the film?