Struck out! @JLo and @AROD get rejected by @Mets current owner Fred Wilpon.
— Bolavip Baseball (@bolavipbaseball) August 31, 2020
Last week with the Kenosha shootings, Chadwick Boseman's death and of course the never ending covid saga. Current morale has been at a gut wrenching low. Jlo took it upon herself to issue a statement after withdrawing her bid to own the Mets. After she posted her statement, Chadwick Boseman's passing hit the internet so she deleted her Met's statement..... only to repost it hours later. Many caught that and managed to screen cap the posts. People were lashing at jlo because during these tumultuous times of social injustice, high unemployment rate and cop murders miss jenny from the block is complaining about not being able to afford the mets. Jennifer has now deleted the post she reposted about the Mets and moved on posting shit about being the new Coach ambassador on her social media.
The Mets sale news broke during the Mets game last night. JLo released her statement shortly after game ended. Not everyone is on twitter 24/7. Who knows if they knew of the death at the time but there was nothing wrong with timing. People were reaching out to them to comment 4/4
— Ayaz (@sahyder1) August 29, 2020
I've lost all respect for u!! R out of yo mind?! U think ppl who r scraping & struggling to JUST LIVE during a pandemic ACTUALLY care that u cant buy a baseball team??! Glad u couldn't!! Now u have an inkling of how WE feel when cant buy food, pay rent, afford to see a doctor!!
— MsKeeshaNoKap (@KeeshaKap) August 29, 2020