LITERAL Queen of everything that is good and true in this world, Jennifer López, continues to prove haters and #Love?rs alike that she remains an A list actor by giving NBC their most watch Thursday debut in 7 years. Shades of Blue, which marks the first primetime show lead by a Puerto Rican since Jennifer's old series Hotel Malibu in 1994, was watched by over 8 million people last night. The pilot was directed by acclaimed Barry Levinson who is also an executive producer along with the leading star and Ryan Secreast.
when was the last time you were praised, ontd?
Ratings: @JLo's @nbcshadesofblue Is Most-Watched @NBC Thursday Debut in 7 Years #Shadesof...
— TheWrap (@TheWrap) January 8, 2016
'Shades of Blue' reminds us that Jennifer Lopez can be a serious actress
— Bethonie Butler (@bethoniebutler) January 7, 2016
Jennifer Lopez and Ray Liotta enforce the law from the dark side in NBC's 'Shades of Blue'
— LAT Entertainment (@latimesent) January 7, 2016
Toasting to J.Lo's TV career after the #ShadesofBlue premiere? Our review
— Yahoo TV (@YahooTV) January 8, 2016
Here's what our @MsMelissaMaerz thought of #ShadesOfBlue:
— Entertainment Weekly (@EW) January 7, 2016
👮 @JLo's @NBCshadesofblue is worth the watch -- not because JLO is in it! 👮
— VH1 (@VH1) January 8, 2016
when was the last time you were praised, ontd?