The multi-platinum prolific singer/actress/dancer/producer/fashion-designer and mother sat down with NBC Latino and had this to say about the topic of diversity and how it relates to Hollywood and television. She said it's "something that has been going on for a long time," and despite her position in the industry she has also been negatively affected by it:
"It's a difficult situation. I've struggled with it in my career because I am a Latin so there are certain roles that I'm not considered for and my name never even comes up.I've never ever tried to hide the fact that I was a Puerto Rican from the Bronx. Everybody knew it right off the bat. It's not something I felt would be a detriment, it made me special and who I am. Now you're seeing more diversity on television that reflects society," JLo said. "Television has always been at the forefront of pushing those boundaries and letting people know, hey this is what the world is and I think that's a step in the right direction."
Video at the source: http://www.nbcnews.com/news/latino/jlo-hollywood-diversity-i-ve-struggled-it-my-career-n532146
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